
Chasing Starlight is listed under the "Game Characters" section of as the approved fanlisting for Artoria Avalon (Caster). Not sure what a fanlisting is? It's simply an online list of fans for a particular subject. All you need to do is provide your name/alias, country and a working e-mail address. Please consider joining us if you enjoy Artoria Caster's character!
RULES - review prior to joining
CODES - show your support
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MEMBERS - view the list of fans
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LOST PASSWORD - reset your password

b a c k   .   c l e a r   .   f o r w a r d    Chasing Starlight and its contents are © Samantha, however Artoria and Fate/Grand Order are © Type-Moon, Lasengle, and other rightful owners—no infringement intended. Chasing Starlight is a part of LOSTBELT.ORG.