
Welcome to Moonflower, the approved fanlisting for Arcueid Brunestud from the Type-Moon visual novel Tsukihime. Arcueid quickly became one of my favorite female characters when originally experiencing Tsukihime - a piece of blue glass moon-. My love for her was only reinforced further by her addition to Fate/Grand Order and through playing Melty Blood: Type Lumina. I do have plans to make a small shrine for her one of these days, but will probably wait until after the visual novel is officially translated into English to start working on it. In the meantime, Moonflower is only a fanlisting. Not sure what a fanlisting is? Put simply, it is an online list of fans of a particular subject. All you need to join is a name/alias, a working e-mail address, and to provide your country. If you are a fan of Arcueid, please consider joining us! ♥

Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 17th February 2025
Member count: 5, from 2 countries (+ 0 pending)

Version one of Moonflower features a scan of Arcueid from the remake of Tsukihime. All other aspects of the layout were made by me or default to the Mac version of Adobe Photoshop 2024, with the exception of fonts downloaded from Dafont and a few brushes from WeGraphics.

Fanlisting Rules and Codes

Please note the following rules before filling out the form to join this fanlisting:
1. Your name, a valid email address, and a country are all required to join.

2. If you would like join with your website included, please put one of the codes or a text link to the fanlisting on your site before you join.

3. Please upload the code of your choice to your own webspace. Direct linking the codes is not allowed.

If you join the fanlisting with a website included, please be sure to grab a code from below and link back to You can use a text link or grab one of the codes below!

50x50 PIXELS:

100x50 PIXELS:

Forms & Member List

Please click the click the links below if you would like to join the fanlisting, update your information, or view the list of fans.


b a c k   .   c l e a r   .   f o r w a r d    Moonflower and its contents are © Samantha, however Arcueid and Tsukihime are © Type-Moon and other rightful owners—no infringement intended. Moonflower is a part of LOSTBELT.ORG.